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123 Distributor - Tune+ (External Bluetooth)

123 Distributor - Tune+ (External Bluetooth)


With External Bluetooth & Vacuum

:  at  £450.00  each

New batch in transit now, so will arrive any day now.

For the VW bus/van, we have designed a special 123ignition.
This is an ignition with an external Bluetooth box, to increase the signal strength to your device.

The wireless programmable 123TUNE+-4-R-V-V is designed for VW aircooled 4 cylinder engines.

123ignition is proud to announce the first fully programmable wireless ignition!

Control your 123TUNE+ with your iOS/Android smartphone or tablet. The App makes it possible to adjust the ignition curve and shows an electronic dashboard.

Main features:

REV-counter, GPS speed, Oil temperature, Voltage & Ampage, Timing display, Antitheft system by a PIN code, Real time tuning, Vacuum advance, Boost retard, Soft REV-limiter, etc.


direct. : CW/CCW
voltage : 4,0-15,0 Volts
range : 500 - 8000 rpm
temperature : -30 to 100 Celsius
coil : stock or High Energy coil
  primary coil NOT below 1,0 ohm
dwell : constant current, fully autom.
time-out : after 1 second current is switched off
spark-bal. : better than 0,5 degr. crankshaft
vacuum : Programmable: -20 / +20 degrees.
curve : Wireless programmable with Android or iOS app
max.advance : 45 degr. crankshaft
wiring : red = +6V or +12V, black = '-' coil, blue = chassis


Dashboard data while driving: 

  RPM / GPS speed / Volts / Amps / Oil Temp / Manifold vacuum / Timing advance


Example of MAP data:

 Screenshot_20210418-141032  Screenshot_20210418-141046


The above curves are used when the distributor is set at TDC, and not the "firing position".

For Bosch D-Jetronic Injection engines the non programmable unit is available: 123VW-4-R-V-IE

The manufacturers recommend the use of the 123 spacer on VW Type4 & Porsche engines.